(primary schools only)
The attendance module enables schools to mark a roll, manage late arrivals and early leavers, as well as manage communication for absences and view attendance reports.
Roll marking & attendance management
Efficiently record, approve and manage student absences
Ability to create individual or bulk planned absences
Access various reports to track and monitor student absences
Flag a student as an attendance concern
Export student attendance records
Generate attendance correspondence for parents/carers (email, SMS or letter)
Ability to upload attendance notes received by the parent/carer
Staff access
Multiple access levels available for roll marking.
Teacher view
- Classroom teachers to use for daily attendance roll marking
- Ability to enter late arrivals and early leavers through the classroom roll
Administrator view
- For administration staff to mark or view a roll with quick action buttons
- Ability to enter late arrivals or early leavers for a single student or in bulk
Events view
- Used for events (i.e. excursions) as an unofficial roll that can optionally be synchronised to the official daily roll
System integration & configuration
- Full integration with other School Bytes modules such as academic reports
- Nightly data transfer to SCOUT
- Ability to configure school settings such as school times, term dates and non-teaching days